Thứ Bảy, 16 tháng 2, 2013

Since sliced bread

Back in the day, when Cabela's wanted to come to town, the Fort Worth Star-Telegram touted the move (which included huge tax abatement's) as the greatest thing since sliced bread. 

Now, Bud Kennedy says, "We're suckers".  No #$%@.  WHAT did the paper call those citizens that fought for Cabela's to not be built with YOUR money?

Durango has another field day with this latest "news".

What does the Fort Worth Star-Telegram say about things like the Trinity River Vision?  Oh right...wait until they spend a billion plus of YOUR money, then the paper will tell you, you're an idiot.

Only in Fort Worth...

First off it was not the people of Fort Worth who gave Cabela's tax breaks. That was done by the naive, incompetent, common senseless Fort Worth City Government, cheered on by the City of Fort Worth's propaganda purveyor known as the Star-Telegram.

The Star-Telegram repeated, over and over and over again, that the Fort Worth Cabela's would be the #1 Tourist Attraction in Texas.

Depending on who was writing the propaganda the number of tourists ranged from 4 million to 8 million.

I was so appalled that I emailed Bud Kennedy about his 8 million visitors claim, along with the #1 Tourist Attraction claim.

Bud Kennedy replied to me by saying that I must be against business. I replied something like, "no, I am not against business, what I am against is a newspaper making ridiculous claims about something like a sporting goods store becoming the #1 Tourist Attraction in Texas, drawing up to 8 million visitors.

Maybe Bud should read some publications from the rest of the world from time to time.  Then he wouldn't be so far behind.

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