Thứ Bảy, 2 tháng 2, 2013

Frack Attack Invitation

Incoming invite -

Stop the Frack Attack is planning its next steps, and we want you to be there. We will be gathering in Dallas, TX from March 2nd-4th for a Frack Attack National Summit.

Hundreds will attend to share stories, become better spokespeople, learn about clean energy alternatives, celebrate victories, and strengthen this national movement. On March 4th, we will also rally in Austin to welcome the Texas state government back to work. And to remind them who they're supposed to work for -- the people, and not the oil and gas industry.

Sign up here:

And check out the draft schedule and workshop list here.

Hope to see you there!

P.S. You may be asking yourself, why Texas? Texas is where modern (horizontal) fracking was first widely used, with hundreds of communities impacted. As you fly into the Dallas/Forth Worth airport there are well pads as far as the eye can see, and once you land you are greeted by a compressor station right outside the airport. This is fracking at its worst, and it is home to many of the oil and gas companies destroying our communities around the country.

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