Thứ Hai, 18 tháng 11, 2013

There's something happening here...

Lots of going's on lately in Haltom City.

They just elected (finally!) their first Vietnamese councilman and now a nice, quiet meeting about compensation.

If you live there, be there.  YOU can't afford not to.
Here's to Haltom City moving forward------

NO, it's waaaay past "high time" sumpin' is done A-bout the compensation package for OUR PO-leece Officers and Firefighters!!!!  For the uninformed, said "PO-leece Officer's" startin' pay is more or less in line with most other Cities of OUR size BUT, somewhere A-round the end of the third year, aka when they are well trained at OUR expense, their pay scale falls waaaay behind said "most other Cities"; THIS IS A CRIME (pun intended, but it ain't funny).  Is it any wonder A number of OUR Officers deem it necessary to seek well-deserved compensation in other municipalities every year?  Let me help you out here……..NO, IT IS NOT "ANY WONDER"‼‼  As far as I can tell, OUR Firefighters have much the same problem, but I believe Monday’s meetin’ will mostly deal with OUR PO-leece; I have no way of knowin’ what/who will be discussed as the postin’ of same is so non-descript.   

Anyhoo………what are OUR City head potatoes, and potato heads doin' A-bout said "CRIME"????  Not much as far as I can tell L   Monday night, November 18th, there's to be A waaaay under advertised "Work Session" held in OUR waaaay cramped, non-televised "Pre Council Room"; I guess if one purposefully under advertises such A "Session" A lot of seatin' is unneeded L   I say what's needed is for A few hundred of US to show up at 5:45pm and force the "potatoes" to move the meetin' into the what could/would become OUR waaaay cramped City Council chamber.

If this, what to me is A VERY BIG issue, is unimportant to you, delete this email and stay home Monday watchin' some inane TV show; if you think this even MIGHT be important to you, and/or yours, forward this email to every concerned Citizen you know AND come on out to show OUR support for Haltom City's finest.

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