Thứ Sáu, 4 tháng 10, 2013

WHO is Jerry Jenkins?

Well, if the Fort Worth Star-Telegram was a real "news" paper, they would have told you. If they were a real "news" paper, they would have also told you about the Ethics complaint filed against the old board members and the General Manager, (FW Weekly's Candidate for Alien Abduction) Jim Oliver. This ethics complaint was filed during the Tarrant Regional Water District election. With as many articles as the FWST ran on the water board race, you'd think they'd cover that. Oh wait, it was against their precious incumbents. Again, what's in it for them? Advertising money from their neighbors?  WHO's money is that again?

Thank goodness for people out there doing the FWST's job for them.  Durango told you days before the FWST article, WHO Jerry Jenkins is.

He also asked the question about HOW FWST got their info. Sounds like Mr. Jenkins made that call. WHERE did Mr.Jenkins get his info? Fort Worth Star-Telegram articles? Oh the irony.

Can you file Ethics Complaints on "news" papers?

The paper quotes Mr. Jenkins saying something about you can't go around writing checks all "willy-nilly".  Someone please tell the TRVA that.

And on a side note, is the FWST looking to hire an Editor? Someone please tell them that "Bennett" did not run in the election.

"Bennett, Nold and Kelleher ran on a slate known as “BNK.”"

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