The letter to the editor in the Fort Worth Star-Telegram speaks volumes. Clyde knows what's up in Fort Worth, he also knows what's coming. And he's right, FW deserves better. With these women, we'll get it.
Sutherland and Kelleher are movers and shakers and both are likely to see strong support in their next elections.
Making Waves
Ooooh, Ann Sutherland isn’t a team player! Oh, no — Mary Kelleher isn’t a team player either.
What’s happening to the “Fort Worth way,” as former Mayor Mike Moncrief liked to describe it?
Well, the dirty little secret is that neither Sutherland nor Kelleher are Fort Worthers, born and bred. They don’t dance to the band of the ruling elite.
A school district that has experienced 20 years of mismanagement and corruption in construction along with marginal student achievement should welcome an outsider with a different set of educational experiences and a personal education that exceeds that of other board members.
Kelleher, too, is making waves on the water district board. Mary is no slouch when it comes to education and intelligence, and that doesn’t fit the board model.
The Tarrant Regional Water District is behind the billion-dollar Trinity River Vision boondoggle and eminent domain abuse that needs intelligent oversight just as much as the school district.
“Team player and consensus supporter” equals mediocrity and a go-along-to-get-along attitude. Fort Worth deserves better.
Sutherland and Kelleher are movers and shakers and both are likely to see strong support in their next elections.
— Clyde Picht, Fort Worth
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