So Mayor Price wants to hold a fundraiser for the Tarrant Regional Water District incumbents. Yes, the same Mayor Price who when asked WHY she was giving up her high paying job to run for low paying Mayor, responded, "because Kay Granger asked me to".
Yes, the same Congresswoman Granger whose son is over the Trinity River Vision Authority, that is the economic development branch of the Tarrant Regional Water District. The district responsible for flood control and water supply.
This fundraiser will be held at a local restaurant that is owned by Representative Geren (a former Tarrant Regional Water District board member). Yes, the same Representative Geren that said he passed HB 2639, "because Kay Granger asked me to". (Which Granger's office denied within the same article).
Representative Geren recently submitted another bill (HB 3900) that would move all of the Tarrant Regional Water District elections to odd numbered years. Since the TRWD voted last year to extend three members terms by a year, guess it's only fair the other two get another year. (Did we mention the 3 incumbents have approximately 60 years combined, serving on the water board?)
The fundraiser is for the Clean Water Committee PAC. The same PAC that spread questionable information during the last water board election. Seems their address has changed. Wonder if it had anything to do with disgusted voters crashing the law office they came from?
Since there was some confusion on one of our recent posts,one in which we never said anyone "owned" anything or anyone, let's be clear here - we're just pointing out the connections. There's a lot of those around 7th street. Stay tuned for more.
Do YOURSELF a favor. Vote for BNK instead of the establishment on election day. WHO do you think THEY are looking out for?
John Basham, Timothy Nold and Mary Kelleher are running for the Tarrant Regional Water District. THEY are running for YOU, not downtown, Austin or Washington.
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