Thứ Sáu, 8 tháng 3, 2013

Washington Bullies

So as we were reading on Facebook and blogs tonight, we noticed something. 

People are especially disgusted with the Republican party today.  What surprised us was how surprised they were. 

Now don't go getting all Left and Right on us.  We are a team of both.  And we usually don't get involved in the Washington game, but we find it odd that no one puts two and two together.  Those in Washington, came from YOUR hometown.  YOU sent them there. They've been there a long time.  They've been spending YOUR money this whole time.  THEY are the ones WHO have voted to spend it.  We didn't get in this mess in one term.  So, WHY, R or D, do YOU keep voting them in?

Is there a toll road being put in YOUR town?  Is there a TIF that includes municipal buildings?  YOU did that. 

Yesterday, Rand Paul made history with his filibuster.  More than that, he gave America a voice.  He stood up in spite of the spiteful media and politicians that ridiculed him and demanded an answer, for us, for YOU.

So do us all a favor, actually do yourself one, research YOUR candidates.  Don't blindly follow a career politician over a cliff because they are part of a political party that used to exist.  Those days are over. 

Listen to those speaking out, on both sides.  THEY are trying to tell YOU something.  The more the media vilifies them, the more you might want to listen.

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