Thứ Năm, 17 tháng 1, 2013

A new low

That sucking sound you hear is the swirling Fort Worth Star-Telegram, apparently losing its grip.

There is a “story” written in it by Mel LeBlanc about Matt Damon’s new movie, Promised Land.  Is it a movie review?  A gas drilling advertisement?  We can’t tell.

What he said about the movie is only a portion of the issue.  The main issue people have is WHY would anyone believe what Mel says, especially when he’s being paid to say it.   Note the byline -  Mel LeBlanc is managing partner of Shale Play Advisors, LLC., which promotes responsible urban drilling.

If you wonder why else we would question Mel’s judgment, check out this comment:
This guy resigned in shame from the Arlington City Council because he violated the public trust with drugs, alcohol and prostitutes, and God knows what else. Now we are supposed to believe his delusional opinions regarding anything to do with gas drilling....much less "Promised Land." Can't believe the ST even printed this garbage!

Seriously folks, you can’t make this crap up.

Read the entire Star-Telegram "Gas man gives 'thumbs down' to Damon's Promised Land" article.

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